Diva the dog, travels out of her courtyard because she is changing from a scaredy cat to brave. Flea is a “flaneur” because he goes anywhere. But, he is afraid of the insides of buildings. Diva gives Flea confidence. In the story “Diva and Flea” by Mo Willems, Mo Willems uses opposites to show characters changing. Mrs. Kim helped me to change, to become a better writer, just like Diva and Flea changed.
At the beginning of the story, Diva is a chicken and Flea is brave, because he is a flaneur. They are opposites. Mo Willems uses opposites to show you that the characters change. “As soon as Flea saw the small dog, he was captivated. As soon as Diva saw the large cat, she yelped and ran away.”
In the middle of the story, Diva gets braver. Finally, Flea smiles a helpful smile and Diva takes a big step out of the courtyard she’d never been out of before. “…leaving behind the one place she had lived her whole entire life.”
Personal Narrative (Fictionalized)
By Theo 5th Grade 2023
I was lying around at nap time. I was about the age of three or four and I got this idea to sneak into the library to snag a good ol’ picture book to bash peoples heads with the book, or maybe, I could read to myself like any other person without the mind of a psycho. Well, both were genius. Ok ok, I was quite annoying and chaotic.
I sneakily crawled toward the library shelf that was looming over me menacingly, almost daring me to go in and grab as many books as I wanted. I was crawling lopsidedly… I was flying at least one thousand miles per hour, or that’s what it seemed like to me.
Wait, is that corner sharp? I thought as I was approaching at what I thought was light speed towards the corner of the wall Theo don’t go there I furiously thought but there was no stopping me then… mayday Mayday Mayday MAYDAY! Then it all went black..
Theo’s rewrite of above paragraphs:
Accelerate, I thought to myself. My self control replied with Aye aye sir, full steam ahead! In the background I heard pumping and a faint, this is all em’ can take, no, No, NO, This can’t beall ey’ can take! We got strict orders from the sir I’m sorry but they’re bound to fade soon, Who? I thought about speeding up by the second. Yer’ self control sir. Aw shucks I mean what’s a few faded brain cells? I mean sir…, the amount of brain cells you have…, It’s uh, Its what? I thought. It’s at a negative number I mean you are pretty dumb yknow aww- shut up I don’t care. Sir, Sir, SIR, CAN YOU HEAR ME? BAM BAM BAM, Dammit they aren’t going away. I mean it’s not like they cared, well anyway at this god-like speed I must be running over the hundreds, thousands of pencil-shaving-soldiers, I thought Wait, is that corner sharp? I thought as I was approaching at what I thought was light speed towards the corner of the little room’s entrance, No.. it can’t be! My self control had evacuated my brain and made me go too fast! I mean it can’t entirely be MY fault I mean, ok yeah my fault but some of it was self control right?